Gilbert Ballantine

The Forgotten Legend

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Gilbert Ballantine born on March 14, 1961 at  Paramaribo started in this field at a very young age  with Judo he received blue belt and have won some  medals and cups and determined to continued in mixed martial arts ,
logo Gilbert BallantineLater I noticed that judo isn’t give me the same satisfaction as in the beginning. And because my brother was on karate, so I decided to take a shot, my surprisingly experience with what i was looking for. I was very disciplines fighter Karateka become and have won multiple titles, club champion, Netherland – Championships, European Open champion and fourth place in the world. Challenges became much more demanding, i were looking for a much more bigger challenges, I did some of the Indonesian pentjak silat. After this I discovered the Kick and Thai boxing the lessons were are mentally stronger and they are prepared to be tough from the start.There was about 30 fighter there were only 6 men left at the end, including myself, later i have changed to another gym ,there was more of complex combinations and new moves to learn.