Seminar at Rings Of Glory Fightcenter
Quest training from Polen
Seminar Kick Boxen Sport Instituut Dale Tan Op zaterdag 25 april 2015
Op de sportschool in Venlo Seminar o.l.v. Gilbert Ballantine>
My Way Of Live
Gilbert Ballantine well known as The Bull Terrier
fighters of Surinamese descent,the former thai
and kickboxing world champion which later made
the transition to free fight ,
Competitions Under the Guidance of Gilbert Ballantine
From his thai / kickboxing students developed into amateur competition where he give lesson in many gyms and places
Picture and Competitions of legendary in martial arts of Gilbert Ballantine
Of an impressive number of fights won against many famous fighters from all over the world, several titles
BJJ Purmerend
March 10, 2014 in Purmerend At BJJ Purmerend
Sanmac Sports
Quest Training
Downhat Gym 15 October 2011
The Sport Club in Drachten
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